Are you ready for your exams?

Here are some helpful tips to get you started:

  1. Review course outlines and make a list of what material will be covered on each exam. Speak with professors or teaching assistants if clarification is needed.

  2. Do you have a good understanding of the material? Are you caught up on the readings and other course responsibilities?

  3. Study with a group. Study groups allow students to:
      review material from class
    ⇒  exchange notes to gain new perspectives on lectures
      explain concepts to each other
      form social ties with other students with similar interests

  4. Be realistic. Don't plan on spending 16 hours a day studying. Our brains integrate what we have learned while we are not studying. Determine how many study hours are reasonable for you to stay focused and schedule additional time for meals, breaks and sleep. 

  5. Work in quiet areas to minimize hearing music, television or other distractions. If you prefer to study with music playing, choose something with no lyrics, and keep the volume low.

  6. Test your understanding of what you are studying by creating verbal descriptions. For instance, once you have finished reading about something, either write it down or explain it out loud. If you are not able to explain it to someone else, you need further clarification for your own understanding. You can re-visit the material with new questions.

  7. Take time to reflect on what you have learned.

  8. Use time on that last day to look through things one last time in a more relaxed and confident frame of mind.

  9. Double check the exam date, time and location. Write it down so you don't have to think about it again.

  10. The night before, set and check your alarm and get a good night sleep.

  11. Treat yourself after the exam!

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